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Economic Indicators

GDP Change Rochester Metro

<h2>GDP Change Rochester Metro</h2>

Annual GDP Change Comparison

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Annual GDP Change Comparison</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Compare GDP Southern Cities

<h2>Compare GDP Southern Cities</h2>

Real per capita GDP Greater MN

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Real per capita GDP Greater MN</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Per Capita GDP By Regions

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Per Capita GDP By Regions</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Annual Change GDP 2021

<h2>Annual Change GDP 2021</h2>

Change in GDP 2020

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Change in GDP 2020</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

% Change in Jobs (Southern, MN, US)

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >% Change in Jobs (Southern, MN, US)</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

Median Household Income

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >Median Household Income</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;

% Jobs Change Southern MN Cities

Click below to view source info.   <h2>  <a href = '' target='_blank' >% Jobs Change Southern MN Cities</a> </h2><p/><p/> (xx:yy) explanation <p/> When present, xx=acronym of source info; yy=page location. <p/> Go to for more info. For example: <p/> CP = Compass Points;